Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Need a Pedicure...

well... I've been meaning to get a pedicure, manicure and have a hair cellophane treatment for quite sometime. But since I'm married to my work, I just don't have the luxury of time. I've been spending 11-14 hours or so in the office for xx number of weeks now and I am dead, dead, dead and dead.

Last March, Ellaine booked us a flight to Bohol - thanks to the piso fare promo of Cebu Pacific "Now everyone can fly". September 21-24! Woohoo, right after the 'super, hyper, mega' OT period.

So here we are, Me, Sab, Ellaine and Vanessa - doing what we do best DOING NOTHING. Bohol is a great place to unwind, relax and talk about Vanessa's lovelife or (lack of), my non-existent lovelife and partly, Ellaine's lovelife (the lone one who actually has a working relationship). I'll gab more about our trip, itinerary in the next postings. For now, I just would like to say: I was in Bohol! and when I return to work, you guess it, OT galore again!


ruther said...

hi there...

it's a boring sunday for me so im doing blog hopping like crazy..

swerte nyo, naabutan nyo ang promo. we're off to bora-bohol din sana kaso di umabot ung date eh..

btw, I got your link from Eli. :)

melitrix said...

hey ruther! thanks for dropping by. This end of October naman Boracay ang punta namin (uyy di ako mayaman ha, natatangay lang ako ng mga tao dito) Seair-Patio Pacific promo naman. Sana okay ang weather. Sana your vacation plans will still push through, nakakatuyo ng utak magtrabaho eh... :)

The Mermaid said...

Ey! So who's the lucky person you got to join you? I hope nga the weather will cooperate.

melitrix said...

who's the lucky person? me, myself and i... :)